In need of a sturdy blasting chamber to use in project site, we decide to fabricate a semi-permanent blasting chamber which big enough to handle a vast outcome in material volume per day.
Supervised and led by Pak Suharno as the Workshop Supervisor, this small project started with the weld process for points that need to be joined perfectly. Since the materials used were the very same materials used in the prior blasting chamber for CIlacap RFCC project that already broken into pieces when it was torn down, so the tasks was putting up those puzzles into one semi permanent chamber that can be erect and dis-erect at any time in any project.
After a short 3 days, puzzles were joined and ready to be erected to notice any unfamiliarity in the construction view. The saddles were build to be semi permanent as to ease the engage and dis-engage process in the field.
We did not find any false in the construction when we erected those chamber, finally we can packed those and ready to be used in our next big project 🚀.